Conversion optimization

Conversion optimization should be a key component of every digital marketing campaign. Its focus is to continuously refine the site’s user experience and conversion flow through AB testing to increase the percentage of visitors that turn into leads.

Your website gets new visitors every day but what percentage of those visitors are actually turning into sales or leads?

Conversion Optimization is the practice of increasing the conversion rate by testing adjustments to on-page elements. These adjustments could be as simple as modifying the copy in a call-to-action or changing the color of a button… or as elaborate as design alterations to your landing pages.

Big Equation marketers offers custom conversion optimization services to maximize your conversions. From form fills and sign-ups to ecommerce sales – no matter what the goal of your site is, our strategies will show you results.

Audit or implement analytics goals tied to the site’s conversions to ensure proper tracking data.
Install heat-map tracking on key landing pages to track user behavior.

Complete a full UX & Conversion Analysis for the website detailing the recommendations for improving conversion based on best practices, analytics data, heat mapping data and our team’s expert knowledge from implementing conversion strategies for other companies.

• Prioritize the recommendations from conversion analysis.
• Begin AB testing the key elements outlined in the analysis.

Once statistically-significant positive results have been obtained by a particular test, the improvement should be rolled-out to positively influence the site’s overall business success.